125 CASES ONLY: The At Cost Rosé Blowout

Only 125 Available Until This Sells Out!

The unofficial start of Summer is almost here and that means that top rosé season is almost here as well and we have a deal to kick it off. We have an astonishing selection of 13 rosés, including premium wines from Provence (one of the great rosé regions in the world) and an artisan wine from 2Hawk in Oregon that is worthy of our Captain's List. We decided to create an amazing case and price this at our cost - with all the premium wines, the final price came to $94.25 for 15 bottles. However, we will run out of these at-cost cases after 125, so act quickly and start your rosé season in style!

**In order to be able to ensure that we are able to quickly manage out-of-stocks on specific wines during these uncertain times, our Wines Included section is just a possible example of what may be included in your case. On that basis, while we are unable to guarantee specific wines in the pack, we promise that any substitutions will be of equal or greater value than the wines originally designated for this pack.

  • Mixed

1 Bottle

1 Bottle

1 Bottle

1 Bottle

1 Bottle

1 Bottle

1 Bottle

1 Bottle

1 Bottle

1 Bottle

1 Bottle

2 Bottles

2 Bottles